JOB 12:10

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Isaiah 40:31
But they that WAIT upon the LORD
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.

Lately, God has been showing me how impatient I am. I was driving back from visiting family a couple of weeks ago and there was lots of traffic on 45. I saw the right lane was moving so I try to move lanes and of course as soon as I finally got over, the left lane started to move. I did this two more times until I realized I must be the deciding factor in which lane would move....whichever one I was in stopped! So I decided to exit and take the feeder that looked like it was moving nicely. But after a little time of cruising on the feeder, it stopped moving. Of course then I saw how now the highway was the place to be. If I had only been more patient, I would be moving instead of sitting!

Wait...I say this word a lot, mainly to my dog. I tell him to wait when he tries to get me up when my alarm goes off in the morning and I want to snooze for five more minutes. Wait, I tell him to before eating his food or getting a treat. Or when we are crossing a street. Or before leaving the house.

So I have noticed God slowing me down and telling me to wait as well. I want answers right away, but God says wait. I want to know how is everything going to turn out, and God says wait.

I remember something my grandmother said to me a month before she died last year at 100 years old:

"When you have God, you have everything you need. Everything else is just a surprise."

As I am waiting for things in my life and find myself being impatient, these wise words give me perspective and help me slow down. God has blessed me with His peace and His presence and has given me a new life. If I can wait and hope in the Lord, then I will be able to hear and follow Him.
If I can live with anticipation instead of expectation, then I won't be disappointed or in a hurry.

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

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